Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions Now Available!
Includes Hydrogen Infused Alkaline filtered water throughout the session & available for you to drink!
Dry brush scrub on the stomach, hands & feet to stimulate peristalsis & reflexology points. Stomach & full body massage at times, twisting postures & breathing technics are also incorporated. Medical grade sterile tubing that is eco-friendly. Over 35 years of study & personal experience to guide you through each unique experience safe.
The first 75 Minutes for $120 and an additional $2.00 each minute after, billed in 15-minute segments. The average session is about 90 minutes depending on what you are up for. I plan for as long as 2 hours per session so there is plenty of time for you to process this amazing experience.
“When the obstruction in the gutter is removed, the water flows freely. Similarly, when the poisons and toxins in the body are eliminated, health & vitality flow freely” Swami Sivananda
Add on Options $25 each:
- Hot tub with Hand Reflexology
Castor oil stomach pack with heat
- Foot Reflexology Throughout the session
Stomach Reflexology Throughout the session
- Organic Aromatherapy
- Premium Add On options $35 each
- Lemona Fresh squeezed organic lemon juice implant
- Coffee Enema(recommended on the 3rd visit)
- Chlorella, Wheatgrass, Spirulina implants
- Please feel free to request or ask about other services not listed.
The Deluxe sessions include everything above Plus education about your colon & the entire digestive process and how diet affects your health, for up to 2 hours, One Herbal FiberBlend to go, a $345 value for $250.00 Limited time.
What do you need to do to prepare for your Colon Hydrotherapy session?
HYDRATE – In the days leading up to your Colon Hydrotherapy session drink a good amount of water (15+ cups per day). The more hydrated you are, the more waste your body will be able to release.
AVOID - The day before your session keep away from white wine, sugar, carbonated drinks, broccoli, and any other foods that give you gas. The less gas you have, the more comfortable your session will be.

DON’T EAT OR DRINK 2 HOURS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT – If you are thirsty, water, juice, or smoothie is okay.
INCREASE FRUIT & VEGETABLE INTAKE – in the week prior to your Colon Hydrotherapy session.
Who should NOT get Colon Hydrotherapy? (Contraindications)
Those with the following conditions cannot receive Colon Hydrotherapy. If you are not sure if you are able to receive colon hydrotherapy, please consult your medical doctor.
Severe Cardiac Disease, Carcinoma of the Colon, Aneurysm, Severe Anemia, Recent Colon Surgery, Cirrhosis. Fissures, Pregnancy, Abdominal Hernia, Severe Hemorrhoids, Congestive Heart Failure, Fistulas, GI Hemorrhage / Perforation, Renal Insufficiency, During heavy moon cycles(Before is usually more productive)

Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
1. Improves Digestion and Prevents Occasional Constipation
Occasional constipation can make for poor digestion and vice versa. When digestion is impaired, and constipation ensues, waste products can linger in your body. This whole process can lead to the inability to absorb many of the nutrients you’re taking in, leading to a lack of energy and hampered immune function. Detoxing your colon allows those undigested waste products to be pushed through your system and also puts some ease in your bowel regularity. Since lingering waste can breed bacteria, this purge clears the way for good nutrient absorption, thereby supporting good health.
2. Increases Energy and Concentration
Purging your colon of toxins allows energy from the intestines to focus elsewhere, meaning your energy levels could improve. Nutrition is crucial for mental wellness, and weak absorption of nutrients may lead to loss of concentration. In addition to having more energy, the absorption of crucial vitamins responsible for mental clarity is improved—meaning concentration is supported.

3. Jumpstarts Weight Loss
Low-fiber food is often part of an unhealthy diet. Without adequate fiber, digestion and the body’s ability to feel “full” are affected. Low fiber foods also linger much longer in the gut. When you cleanse the colon, this matter is flushed from the system, and, in some, may lead to significant weight loss. But, if you’re looking to lose weight, one study suggests that increasing fiber intake can help you shed unwanted pounds. A Vegan diet is high in healthy fiber.
4. Supports Overall Colon & Skin Health
All the toxins you take into your body will eventually make their way to the colon or skin. By not cleansing your colon (and liver), toxins can linger in the body and cause untold damage. Ridding the body of waste supports the many functions of the colon, including digestion and proliferation of beneficial gut flora. When the colon is suffering, the skin is the next likely organ to show signs of stress with acne breakouts, rashes & more.

5. Encourages Whole Body Detox
The body is adept at constantly detoxifying itself every day. But sometimes the combination of environmental factors and poor lifestyle habits make it hard to catch up and your body may show signs of toxic colon overload.
We apologize for any inconvenience, unfortunately this service is currently unavailable.
We understand how important it is for you to have access to the services you need.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Something to Keep in Mind
If you find yourself feeling sluggish, cleaning your colon might be just the thing you need. Perform the necessary research and talk to your trusted health care provider to determine the best solution for you. While most cleanses can be performed by virtually anyone, you need to listen to your body and do what’s right for you.
What should I do after a Colon Hydrotherapy session?
1. AVOID ALCOHOL AND SPICY FOODS – the day of your session.
2. DRINK A GOOD AMOUNT OF WATER – to continue to facilitate the removal of toxins.
3. EAT SOMETHING HEALTHY – My personal favorite after a Colon Hydrotherapy session is steamed rice and veggies, beans. Go with your instincts, if you feel more like a juice or a green smoothie for something lighter that feeds you on a liquid cellular level!
4. DRINK KOMBUCHA OR A PROBIOTIC - option to help the friendly flora in the gut return nice and strong!
Are the materials used sanitary?
Yes. I use medical-grade sterilized disposable Colon Hydrotherapy speculums and tubing that are eco-friendly. Each prepackage kit is used once and then disposed of.
Does it hurt?
Not usually though when the tub is inserted & when you are full of water, there can be uncomfortable moments that will pass. At times it may feel like you need to have a bowel movement or like the pressure is building up and then easing with proper guided breathing techniques. If you have gas, there might be some cramping. I do some light lymphatic abdominal massage and some acupressure points to facilitate the process and make it more comfortable for you with breathing technics.