A Memoir of Yoga, Transformations, Tantra and more!
I have been journaling & writing most of my life on a daily basis. I journal about nearly everything of significance and I have come to love writing in the past few years more than ever!

I think the main reason is that I had such a challenge getting what I wanted to say, down on paper, or on a computer. Partly due to dyslexia, some fear, and lack of know-how, but mostly because technology hadn’t caught up to me quite yet in my opinion.
Now with a voice-to-text, I can spill out a whole story, and my phone will get most of it! With time, and editing, I have taught myself how to get what I want to say, in an eloquent way down in black and white.
It feels amazing to have so much to say that I simply can’t get it down fast enough most of the time. When the juices are flowing, I am as excited as I hope my readers will be. Most times, I am reading what is coming out for the first time, and just thinking, wow, I couldn’t have said that better myself. Where did that come from? I am surprised, dumbfounded, inspired, and educated all at once.
I am planning on publishing a number of books in the near future including, Yoga, Memoirs, Tantra, and more. My intent here is to start sharing some of the work in small pieces to help finance the journey as I finish the books. I am deeply grateful for any support or donations along the journey.
This first story I am making public comes in at just over 5000 words. It was my first attempt at a “50 Shades” sort of story while teaching some Tantra wisdom throughout the story. It came out quick, and easy and when I was done, I thought I had something great, ready to publish on Vocal. For the first time ever, I sent it out to have a few friends review it. The feedback was good and gave me an outsider’s perspective. I went to town on a rewrite.
I added over 1000 words and it turned into a whole chapter with tons of great tips for couples and singles of all ages and sexual preferences. All are welcome here! I sent out the rewrite and got great feedback so I am ready to publish this one and move on to the next one of 27. I am not sure where this chapter is coming in yet, but likely number 8 or 9? It is a saucy story with some Adult content interwoven throughout.

Here is a short excerpt to wet your whistle.
There is an ebb and flow in Tantra, and the great ones are able to pay attention to these tides. Like a boat with sails, a mindful captain can travel the vast Seas of experience. While the feeble-minded, are lost in a pinch, a flicker of an instance, and never know the capabilities of their own boat, let alone the great ocean of pleasure within. Sex less than 10 minutes is usually not tantric in nature. Yes, it can be, and it can have a bang as a quickie, but it does not yield the fruits of cultivation more than 30 minutes, to more than an hour will. No matter how good you are at Tantra. It is like the difference between camping or homesteading. One you can do quickly and can be very satisfying. The other requires time, teamwork, effort, intention, start to finish, and the results are lasting, filling ones being for days, remembered for decades! Another great example is the fast-food meal. Quick and dirty, you don’t feel good after. The lasting effects are not wanted either. Alternatively, if a chef prepared a healthy meal for you, you would feel that inside in such a different way. The lasting effects would be a positive delight, from the moment you smell the food cooking, to who knows when?
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