Providing Healing and Self-Care for Women Affected by Cancer
At our B1 Yoga, we understand the immense suffering that women have endured due to breast cancer and other related conditions. We believe that every woman deserves self-care, support, and healing in her journey toward recovery and confidence. Our specialized service, Medical Breast Massage (MBM), is dedicated to nurturing the mind, body, and spirit as you heal.
Discover the Healing Power of MBM
Medical Breast Massage, available seven days a week from 12-8, can be a vital part of your healing journey. This therapeutic treatment can complement any bodywork session of your choice, adding a new dimension to your self-care routine.
Brian is a certified practitioner in Washington State, qualified to provide MBM services to a wide range of clients, including those who have experienced pre or post-cancer challenges, mastectomy, pre or post-implant procedures, immune-compromised individuals, those seeking lymphatic drainage, nursing mothers facing difficulties, and those dealing with issues such as mastitis, soreness, and pain. Our aim is to enhance your overall well-being and promote the health of your breasts.
With over 30 years of experience in the cancer field, coupled with nursing and EMT training and practice, Brian brings a unique and compassionate approach to MBM. Each session, which typically lasts about 5 minutes or longer, is seamlessly integrated into your regular massage appointment. Please be aware that an additional release form must be completed before the MBM session.
Brian's mission is to offer a safe and nurturing space for women affected by cancer to regain confidence and promote healing. You are not alone on your journey, and we are here to support your holistic well-being.
Why Breast Massage?
- Breast is body tissue with their own health needs.
- Breast congestion, breast pain, discomfort from diagnostic and surgical procedures, lumps, and tissue changes.
- Doctors, nurses, and lab technicians.
- Can we justify letting we inherit concerns about risk overpower our need to provide legitimate treatment?
Canadian schools include breast massage in the curriculum
Education is inconsistent
Breast are not sexual organs (NCBTMB)
Strong associations w/sexual touch/ attractiveness in the USA
There is a psycho-emotional element to breast massage
Men need breast massage too!
Therapeutic breast wellness/ treatment massage is legal in approximately 75% of US
Therapeutic treatment is legal in several more
24 states have no specific regulation for both the draping and breast massage
3 states require breasts to be fully draped - no further regulation AL, DE, LA
14 states have rules allowing therapists to work therapeutically and for medical treatments KS, MI, VT, WY, IN

Indications For Breast Massage
Fibrocystic breast condition
Myalgia/Cyclical Myalgia
Mastitis prevention
Breast trauma/scare tissue
Drainage Issues
Assistance in monitoring
Help with touch aversion issues
Education in self-breast massage
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Contraindication for Massage
Mastitis/ Lactational Mastitis
Active Infection
Direct work on undiagnosed lumps
The client has the latest breast and subscapular pain with a sub-peculiar implant (possible Serratus Anterior rupture)
A therapist can not be professionally neutral
Good communication does not exist
Distorted contour without a diagnosis
Client Refuses
Unable to receive written consent
Lymph Flow:
Lymph flows in only one direction within its own system
The direction is upward and toward the neck
75% of breast lymph goes to the system of nodes in the axilla
25% of the breast lymph escapes via the internal mammary chain along the sternum
Toxins in lymph nodes are destroyed by lymphocytes
Right and Left
Pressure Theory
Damaged tissues & rerouting
Lack of blood supply and lymphatic movement from TOS increases one's risk of the breast cancer

Tumor Types
Phyllodes Tumor
Phyllodes Tumors - Cystosarcoma Phyllodes- Phyllodes Cystosarcoma
Masses arise from connective tissues surrounding the ducts of the breast
Benign/ malignant potential
Cancerous Type & TX
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Generally presents in age 50-60
Cancer Types within the Breast
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ- Pre - Invasive cancer of the ductal lining
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma - Invasive Cancer that has spread outside of the ductal lining
Subtypes: Tubular, Mucinous, Inflammatory, Medullary
Tx- surgery, hormone therapy, radiation, and chemo
LCIS- Lobular Carcinoma ins Situ - Not Cancer
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma - Invasive cancer of the lobular unit
Metaplastic Cancer
The three most common types of receptors known to fuel most breast growth-estrogen, progesterone, and HER-2/ new gene - are not present in the cancer tumor.

Other Cancer Types
Pagets Disease: 95% of the time it is when DCIS spreads to the areola or nipple
AngioSarcoma: A rare cancer that starts in the cells that line blood/lymph vessels
Anaplastic Large Lymphoma: Affects cells in the immune system and can be found around the breast implant

Oncology Massage can help in many ways!
How Does Cancer Massage Differ From “Regular” Massage?
Techniques are tailored to the frailty of tissues, including muscles, skin, and bone.
Part of a medical health care team.
Adaptive/ever-changing treatment plan.
The profound impact of nurturing massage on patients is clear!